my first 50k race with daddy
I finally found an ultramarathon race that allows dogs! Manuka and I did the Antelope Island Fall Classic 50k with some friends. This is her story. And before you berate me about potentially abusing my fur child by having her run with me, I know her limits (actually I don’t, but I’ve found out that a seven hour walk is well within her range).
Daddy and I camped in this really weird place. I hadn’t been there before but there are many smells. I don’t know where we are but I’m with daddy and so I know we are safe. He keeps saying something about a “fify kay”. I don’t know what that means but he says it in a tone of voice that makes me excited so I’m excited!

Daddy parks the car and we jump out. I see hooman frands I know from home. They know me too as they’re saying my name. I love frands. Daddy attaches the leash on me. I don’t like the leash as much as I do roaming free but leash means activity and exercise! I love exercise!
So many hoomans around. Not many doggies. I see a couple doggies around but don’t have a chance to say hi. The hoomans start running. Daddy starts running. Daddy isn’t running very fast so I walk alongside him. I can’t wait for exercise!

We are running, although I am walking. Daddy is too slow. We’re out on trails and daddy doesn’t usually use the leash on me when we’re on trails, but the leash is still on. What gives? Oh well, at least I’m with daddy. I love daddy!
The grass around me is taller than me. It’s like walking through a tunnel. So cool! I’m behind another hooman and I need to make sure I don’t get too close or their feet will hit my face.

We stop. Daddy gives me water. I love water. Daddy also gives me a MEAT STICK!! I LOVE MEAT STICKS! Daddy forces me to give him a “high five” but it’s worth it. I love people food.
We continue on. I step on something. Ouch it hurts! I start limping. Daddy notices and inspects my paws. It was a goaty head but daddy was able to get it out. I hate goaty heads.
I kept stepping on them here and there and each time daddy was able to get the goaty heads out. I love daddy.
We get to the next stop and daddy gives me water and my favorite meat stick. There’s corny hole. I love chasing the beany bags! Daddy throws them and I try to catch them but I’m unable to. Maybe next time.

I continue on and I suddenly found STICK!! I FOUND A STICK AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN TO TEAR THE STICK APART! But I was kind of over the stick and we all worked our way up the hill.

We stop and daddy tells me to sit at a location so he can take a picture. I guess it’s a good view but I don’t care. I don’t like staring at the camera but daddy keeps calling my name. It’s relentless and annoying. I know for sure that he’s exploiting my pictures on some predatory app in exchange for fake internet points. How pathetic.
Then daddy picks me up. NO! I REFUSE but daddy does it anyway. My fate has been accepted. But I still refuse to look into the camera.

We continue on. The uphill becomes flat and we reach another rest. Daddy gives me water and a meat stick. I love meat sticks. There’s more corny hole too. I try to catch the beany bags from daddy but can’t come down with them. Still zero points for the Nuka :(
We start running downhill now. Now daddy is running faster and I love it. But then we hit a sandy and rocky section that I don’t really enjoy and I don’t think the hoomans are really into either. Then there is another uphill. The group is walking again. I WANT TO RUN! But the group is together and so I am doing my job. I love doing my job.
We crest a hill and the hoomans begin to run again. I’m getting thirsty now. It’s a long way between rest spots. But I’m happy to be with daddy and frands. And they’re moving and I’m moving and it’s great. It’s all great!

We finish walking up a hill to the next rest point. The water here was the best! There was another doggie here as well! Wow another doggie doing what I’m doing, how cool! I still can’t get any beany bags though :( but meat stick was great!

We get back on the trail. We are running now. Daddy is running now, but the rest of the group is behind him. Oh well I’m on the leash and daddy has me so I’m running with daddy. At one point daddy says that I ran something called a “maraton”, whatever that is but daddy made it seem excite so I’m happy!
I was sure we would stop for daddy to collect his frands because he does that but it wasn’t until the next rest stop when we saw them again. Yay frands! Yay water! Yay meat stick! Everything is such excite! Except the corny hole though. Still no points for me. There is a mud puddle that I drink from, and daddy isn’t happy because now the leash is covered in mud. Well if the stupid hoomans didn’t have a rule about requiring dogs on leashes then we wouldn’t have this problem. So goes it.
We all continue along. Daddy starts to run ahead and because I’m on the leash I still run with him. We continue running and running and we stop because there’s a buffalo and then we continue running (well, actually daddy is running and I am walking). I recognize this trail. I know the smells on this trail. We ran here this morning. I feel excite knowing a familiar place.
We end up running the same way we went out and we crossed a line on the ground and daddy stopped. Daddy kneeled down and hugged me and kissed me and told me how proud he was of me. Of me? It was a seven hour walk, piece of cake. I was proud of daddy! I kissed him and was just so excited because he was so excited! I love when daddy is excited.

A nice lady game me water. Water is the best! Daddy told me to lay down. He had just gotten a new cup and he placed it down next to me. He took pictures. I guess one of them I was looking at the camera. Oops.

Daddy’s frands finish. I love sseeing them again. The pack is back together! Other hoomans are impressed with my feat. But why, it was just a seven hour walk. I don’t get it. Hoomans are weird.
Daddy goes to the car. I immediately get in. As long as I’m in the car, daddy will need to take me with him. I love daddy but yes I have attachment issues. Daddy leaves but then comes back! We are off on the road again to the next great aventur tiem with daddy. I love daddy!