my first climb with daddy

Joe Matheson
6 min readJul 18, 2021

I took my dog Manuka up Mt. Breitenbach (5th tallest in Idaho). This is her story. Before you decide to bring your dog on an adventure like this, please recognize their limits and understand what you’re getting into so you don’t break your dog. We were lucky to have a backpack that could fit Manuka when she felt uncomfortable continuing on.

I wake up. I hear noises! Daddy is wake, he’s normally awake at this time. He let’s me out of my cage. I stretch, I go outside, I potty, he feeds me brakfest. He’s packing his baggy. It sounds exciting! Normally he doesn’t let me go with him but I’m hoping to today and I try to let him know I’m interested.

And suddenly, he’s letting me out with him. I get in the car. I’m going with daddy! OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY! This is going to be great! What is it going to be, where are we going?!

We stop at a house. I recognize the house. This is where daddy’s frands live who throw me the bawl sometimes. I do love playing bawl. Daddy gets out. We are going in his frand’s car. It’s bigger than daddy’s. And we’re off again. I wonder what magical place we’re going to!

I spend the ride sitting in the back. I cuddle with hooman frand in back. I stare at daddy. I love daddy!

We get out. I pee. I poop. There’s another doggie. She doesn’t like me at first but then we become great frands in a minute. I see another one of daddy’s frands. I go say hi! We’re back in the car now. Daddy gets out of the car to do something. I hate when daddy does that, I want him back in the car.

We stop. We all get out. The doggie is there but we like each other so it’s GREAT! I love doggie frands! We go. So many smells, so many things to jump over. Gotta make sure I’m with the hoomans, daddy especially. There was one place with loose rock. Daddy helped me get thru it. I love daddy!

Can you see me?

The day gets warmer. The rocks are sharp and my feets hurt but gotta stay with daddy! My doggie frand is not liking the heat. I don’t either but gotta keep up. We stop. My daddy gives me water. I love daddy!

The hoomans continue on. My doggie frand stops but daaddy is far ahead so gotta stay with him! The rocks are sharp and move underneath me. They hurt. My paws hurt, but gotta stay with daddy. I’m behind daddy. He tells me something and I don’t understand it but he stopped so I moved ahead. He praises me, praise, praise, praise. I love praise!

Daddy’s frand
Tiring but having so much fun!

There’s a rock section that daddy travels up. I’m unsure about it but daddy got up so I need to get up it. Rocks slip underneath me. Daddy pulls my collar. I am safe with daddy. I love daddy!

Hope everyone is okay!
Daddy says this is his favorite picture of the day. I disagree. It doesn’t have me in it!

Daddy brings out my harness and leash. I don’t like the leash. I continue on with daddy to the top. This should be the top. Daddy gives me water. It’s great! I love water. My feet hurt. I love daddy.

Daddy pulls me along. I’m like “NO”! There’s no trail. I don’t understand. I refuse! I resist! Daddy stops and converses with his frands. He takes a thing out of his backyback and now he’s stuffing me inside his backyback! I try to resist but no going. I’m now in daddy’s backypack with one paw out. I love daddy but I don’t know about this.

Me in daddy’s backypack

We move along. There are drops on both sides. Please, daddy, don’t fall!

We end at a point. I’m let out of the backypack. I’m tired. Daddy feeds me and gives me water. He places mats and things in front of me, expecting me to pose. We take more pics. I don’t like everything. Daddy says it’s a big deal but I don’t get it. But suddenly daddy gives me some of his food packet and OMG IT’S AMAZING! IT’S LIKE THE GREATEST THINGS EVER!

Me and daddy!
Daddy and his frands!
Cool views!

Back into the backypack I go and we continue the way we came. I love daddy, expecially when he gives me a lift on thin terrain. Please daddy, don’t fall!

We step off the ridge and now I think I can take care of myself. I get antsy. Daddy lets me out of the backypack. I pee. I poop. Daddy gives me water. I see daddy’s fraands coming down the hill in another spot. The way daddy and I went waas much better. I yell at them, “HEY! THE WAY WE WENT WAS EASIER!”

Apparently there were some sheepys too. I didn’t notice.

The rocks are hot and sharp. My paws are sore. Gotta keep up with daddy and his frands. We continue down. It’s hotter. My paws hurt. Gotta keep up with daddy.

But daddy has his backypack.

I stop and sit. I refuse to go farther. Daddy sees and comes back for me. He stuffs me in his backypack. It’s great! I don’t have to walk anymore. I get hit my branches in the face, but I don’t care. I don’t have to walk and daddy is carrying me. I love daddy!

I love daddy!

We finish. I lay on the ground. Daddy lifts me into the car. I couldn’t get up myself. I want to sit with daddy on the way home. I do. Daddy gets out of the car. I’m distressed. Why does daddy do this?!?! Oh great he’s back!

We drive then stop. The hoomans get out but I’m not allowed in. They come back. Daddy’s frand has a meat stick. I want it. Daddy allows me to have it. I love daddy! I want to sleep but I am unfamiliar with the surroundings. I try to stay awake.


We’re back now! I pee and get into daddy’s car. I feel a bit better now but still sore. We get home. Mommy is there! I’m so excited to see mommy! Will my parents play fetch with me? Oh right, I’m sore and tired. But I had so much fun!! Sleeps now.





Joe Matheson

Idaho Falls based runner, triathlete, and adventure seeker. “It’s never too early to start beefing up your obituary.”